Monday, May 21, 2007

Pay to play

Recently,I have spoken to a few parents,who send their toddlers to attend classes.. believed to make them smarter then their counterparts.Well,is not that I have anything against it,but the fees that they have to pay is shocking...and activities carried out in these classes are even more alarming.I have attended one with my son recently,like any parent,I also longed for my son to be the creme de la creme, so, convinced by my mum,both of us went excitedly,(a parent are require to participate with a child) the class starts with shaking and rocking my son from left to right and right to left then followed by both of us crawling side by side,all this seems too familiar...when we were kids,our parents always play this kind of game with us unconsciously,not knowing that it will some how benefit us in our future development,but look at today's parents,we pay few hundreds or even thousands,just to do this simple task with our children under supervision.
Hey parents...talking about creativity???Lets get back to basics!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


This is my first time interviewing feeling is just great,previously,I am always in front of the desk,now I can be behind the desk,(thanks to my boss,who was not in town)you know how its like???eheheh...that means,you get to meet nervous,timid,arrogant,over confident,and some even a little crazy people who try real hard to please you to get the job.Well...I also see bit and pieces of myself in all of them.Some come well groomed,some come without combing their hair and expect to get the job!Hmmm....I guess my boss's intention of letting me carry out the interview is like placing a mirror in front of me,checking on my own reflection,what kind of people you like to work with???